We are excited to announce that four of viaSport’s grant opportunities are now open! These grants aim to increase participation, expand the reach of sport, support program development for underserved groups and further the education and development of women, coaches and officials. The following grants are currently accepting applications:
Hosting BC: The Hosting BC grant provides up to $35,000 to not-for-profit organizations for the purposes of hosting amateur sporting events in B.C. to facilitate sport, economic and community development. Apply by July 18, 2022.
Community Sport Program Development Fund: The CSPD Fund, funded by the Province of British Columbia, makes community sport more accessible to people of all abilities. The CSPD grant is awarded to sport programs delivered by non-profit organizations, which include local and provincial sport organizations, municipalities, and Indigenous communities with the goal of expanding sport opportunities for underserved groups. The deadline to apply is July 25, 2022.
Northern BC Coaching and Officiating Development Fund: The Northern BC Fund is a localized initiative created to provide support for coaching and officiating development and education, elevating the capacity of sport organizations in the North. Apply by August 1, 2022.
LeadForward: Advancing Balanced Representation in Sport: The LeadForward grant aims to strengthen balanced leadership for female coaches, officials or organizational staff throughout B.C.by supporting their professional development opportunities. Applications are due August 1, 2022.
We invite eligible organizations to check out the grant details and apply for funding. Don’t forget to share these opportunities widely so that organizations across the sport community can take advantage of this financial support.