This selection criteria was created to ensure the most competitive team is selected to represents the province of British Columbia in the 2022 Canada Summer Games. Triathlon BC hopes to build a team capable of achieving top podium performances in both the individual sprint and super sprint races as well as the mixed team relay event.
The BC Team will consist of three (3) male athletes and three (3) female athletes, with an alternate named in each category, one (1) male, one (1) female. Athletes named as alternates will not travel to the Games.
Triathlon BC will be blending the use of sport science and triathlon performance to select the best team to accomplish BC’s goals. Two streams will used to move athletes through the eligibility process toward the selection event. The first stream will be for those athletes that are CSIP carded which will combine physiology testing, strength and conditioning assessments, and performance tests. The second stream will be for non-CSIP carded athletes, this stream is intended for new athletes to triathlon or those that have not yet met the CSIP carding criteria. Within the non-CSIP carded stream, athletes will be exposed to educational seminars, performance testing and sport technical sessions. Within both streams attendance at both eligibility camps is required for athletes to remain eligible for selection to the BC team.
Section 1.1.9 shows the two streams of eligibility and how they progress to the selection event.
In order to keep the selection process open and accessible, an athlete that is removed from the selection process (due to performance standards only) will have the ability to re-enter the selection process by producing and submitting evidence of achieving that performance standard to the coaching staff at least 3 weeks prior to the next eligibility/selection event.
If an athlete is unable to attend an eligibility camp because they are out of the Province due to attendance at school or due to family circumstance (living in a different province or country), they must notify the Triathlon BC’s High-Performance Committee at least 3 weeks prior to the eligibility Camp in question. The Triathlon BC High-Performance Committee will notify the athlete if their absence is approved and what requirement are due in order to remain eligible for selection.
All athletes and staff must provide proof of vaccination in order to attend eligibility camps, selection event and selection to team.
1.0 Eligibility
For athletes to be considered as eligible for selection to the BC Team, they must meet the criteria listed below:
1.1.1. Athletes must be members in good standing with Triathlon BC at the time of qualification and must remain in good standing until completion of the Canada Summer Games.
1.1.2. Athletes must meet BC residency guidelines as described in the Canada Games Technical Package.
1.1.3. Athletes must sign an athlete agreement, indicating their understanding of the selection process.
1.1.4. Athletes must sign an athlete agreement contract in order to compete in the 2022 Canada Summer Games.
1.1.5. Athletes must be between sixteen (16) and twenty-one (21) years of age as of December 31st, 2022. (Athletes must be born between January 1st, 2001 and December 31st, 2006)
1.1.6. Athletes participating in the Canada Summer Games must open a (free) Training Peaks account, and regularly log all training activities. The account will be shared with, and viewed by, the Canada Games coaching staff. If required, Triathlon BC will upgrade short-listed team members to premium accounts.
1.1.7. Athletes must submit evidence of completing CCES Clean Sport Ture 101, CAC Making Headway and Safe Sport modules before the first eligibility Camp in Whistler Dec 4-5, 2021(TBC).
1.1.8. A series of three (3) Triathlon BC Canada Summer Games Eligibility & Selection Camps are planned:
- Dec 4-5, 2021Whistler BC (TBC)
- March 18-26 Victoria BC (TBC)
- June 25-26 Victoria BC (TBC) **SELECTION EVENT**
The third of which will be the selection event and combine individual sport time trials, race simulation. Attendance is mandatory at all camps for athletes to remain eligible for Canada Summer Games Team. Athletes who cannot attend a Camp due to extenuating circumstance may apply, in writing, to the Triathlon BC’s High-Performance Committee for exemption to that Camp. Exemption requests must be received, at minimum, three (3) weeks prior to the Camp in which the athlete cannot attended. An athlete who receives an exemption must still submit and meet time standards to gain eligibility for following Camps. No exemptions will be considered for Camp 3, the selection event.
1.1.8. Final BC Team selection will be announced within 5 days of the selection event.
2.0 Selection Criteria
Three (3) male and three (3) female athletes will be selected to the BC Team using the following selection priorities:
2.1. The appointed Head Coach, in consultation with the Triathlon BC High Performance Committee, may select one or two (1-2) male and one or two (1-2) female athlete for discretionary selection. Exceptions to selection priority 2.1 are outlined under Section 4.0, Unforeseen Criteria.
2.2 Up to three (3) male and three (3) female athletes will be selected using placings from the aforementioned Eligibility and Selection Camps, as follows:
2.2 At each Camp, athletes placing in the top 50% of swim AND run times, will remain eligible for the following Camp.
If an athlete does not place in the top 50% of the performance testing at a camp, they may retain eligibility by submitting proof of achieving that performance standard to Triathlon BC High Performance Committee a minimum of three (3) week before the next Camp.
Example for non-CSIP carded athletes:
1.) Athlete A completes a swim time within the fastest 10/20 times AND a run time within the fastest 10/20 times, they will have an automatically invitation to the next Camp.
2.) Athlete A completes a swim time NOT within the fastest 10/20 times AND a run time within the fastest 10/20 times, they will need to submit evidence of improving their swim time to fall within the fastest 10/20 from the Camp results, in order to gain entry to the next Camp.
3.) Athlete A completes a swim time NOT within the fastest 10/20 times AND a run time NOT within the fastest 10/20 times, they will need to submit evidence of improving their swim AND run time to fall within the fastest 10/20 from the Camp, in order to gain entry to the next Camp.
Example for CSIP carded athletes:
1.) Athlete A completes a swim time within the fastest 10/20 times submitted by non-CSIP carded athletes AND a run time within the fastest 10/20 times submitted by non-CSIP carded athletes, they will have an automatically invitation to the next Camp.
2.) Athlete A completes a swim time NOT within the fastest 10/20 times submitted by non-CSIP carded athletes AND a run time within the fastest 10/20 times submitted by non-CSIP carded athletes, they will need to submit evidence of improving their swim time to fall within the fastest 10/20 from the Camp results, in order to gain entry to the next Camp.
3.) Athlete A completes a swim time NOT within the fastest 10/20 times submitted by non-CSIP carded athletes AND a run time NOT within the fastest 10/20 times submitted by non-CSIP carded athletes, they will need to submit evidence of improving their swim AND run time to fall within the fastest 10/20 from the Camp, in order to gain entry to the next Camp.
2.3 Subject to change at the discretion of the Triathlon BC Team staff, measured time standards used for selection eligibility will consist of a 200m swim (short course), and a 1500m track run or *measured road race (only at eligibility camp #1)*.
2.4 Team Selection
A total of three (3) Games athletes of each gender will be selected:
- One or two (1-2) male and one or two (1-2) females will be awarded by discretionary selection.
- One or three (1-3) male and one or three (1-3) females will be selected based on race simulation performance at the selection event.
In addition:
- One (1) male and one (1) female will be named as alternates based on race simulation performance at the selection event. Alternates will not travel to the Games.
Race time trails at the selection event will consist of approx. 300m pool swim, 7km bike and 1600m run (TBC).
A second day race simulation will take place to award the 1-2 male and 1-2 female team selection and the male/female alternate selections.
If time trial and race simulations are not possible, all selections male and female will be awarded through Triathlon BC’s High-Performance Committees discretion.
3.0 Alternates
3.1. Alternates will be selected using the criteria listed in Section two (2) above. The eligible male and female athletes will be offered the position as Canada Games BC Team alternates. Alternates will not travel to the Canada Summer Games.
3.2. Alternates will compete as members of the BC Team if one of the following situations occurs:
3.2.1. An injury to a selected Team member, which prevents an athlete from competing in the 2021 Canada Summer Games.
3.2.2. If at any time, a selected Team member does not meet the Eligibility Criteria set out in Section One (1) .
3.2.3. A selected Team Member is deemed “unfit to race” by, but not limited to, any of the following factors:
- Illness
- Level of health
- Injury and/or unrecovered injuries
- Competitive readiness
- Failure to meet Triathlon BC’s Code of Conduct
3.3. The Triathlon BC’s High-Performance Committee has the sole discretion in determining that a selected team member is unable to compete because of one of the reasons set out in Section 3.2 above.
4.0 Unforeseen Circumstances
4.1 In situations where unforeseen circumstances do not allow the Selection Process to be fairly and objectively applied, the Triathlon BC’s High-Performance Committee, in consultation with Triathlon BC’s Board of Directors, reserves the right to rule on an appropriate course of action.
4.2. The Triathlon BC’s High-Performance Committee reserves the right to review and change any selection criteria or decision related to the Selection Process in the case of rule or policy changes from Triathlon Canada or the Canada Games or COVID-19 related issue that may affect the selection criteria set out in this document or any team selection decisions.
Failure to compete in outlined eligibility events/Camps, without approval from Triathlon BC’s High-Performance Committee will result in the athlete becoming ineligible for the next eligibility or selection event.
Download a copy of the 2022 Canada Summer Games Selection Criteria on the link below.