We caught up with Ria Gill, fresh off her silver medal race in the 20-24 age group duathlon at the Age-Group World Championship, for a Q&A about her sporting history and her experience at the multisport event in Townsville, Australia.
Can you share a bit about that experience – What was race day like and how did your race unfold?
The weather at the start of the race was quite nice! It was sunny but not too hot and the wind hadn’t picked up yet. I had my parents and siblings with me at the race supporting me and ready to let me know which place I was in throughout the race. At the start of the first run, I tried to find a group to stick with. I knew that mentally, running 4 laps would be easier if I had feet to follow, but after the first 2 laps, groups started to separate, and I found myself having to run alone. Once I was on the bike, my goal was to keep a consistent effort throughout the two laps. During my course recon, I knew that the headwind was going to be tough, so when I got to that point during the course, I was focusing on not letting up the effort. When I got off my bike, I felt my stomach starting to ache. It became quite painful, but I tried to focus on picking off people in front of me. I knew that the other athlete in my age group was ahead of me as I would see her at the turn around points in the run, but I wasn’t sure how much of a lead I had on the other athletes in my age group so I just kept going as fast as I could at that point. Coming down the finish line stretch I was filled with a lot of emotions, but most of all, I felt inspired by all of the amazing athletes around me.
What was the overall experience like at Age-Group World Championships – What was your favourite part?
This was my first time competing internationally, which was both exciting and inspiring! I met so many athletes from different countries and of various age groups. From the opening ceremonies to team socials, the week leading up to the race was one like no other. My favourite part of the race was lining up at the start line. I felt so grateful to be there and surrounded by such amazing athletes.
You have a strong history of running – can you share some of your recent results, and how running has impacted your triathlon?
At the start of the year, my goal was to focus on racing some 5km and 10km races to establish how fast I could hit those distances in order to give me a better idea of what to aim for coming into this race. I was able to hit new PB’s in March and April, but then unfortunately with the increase in load, I ended up sustaining an injury which took me out from running for about 2 months leading up to this race. Ironically this is actually how I got into triathlon. When I first started increasing my running mileage, I found myself getting injured quite quickly. That is when I decided to incorporate more cross training into my program, which I did in the form of biking and swimming. After a year of running, biking, and swimming, I ended up doing my first sprint triathlon and really enjoyed it!
Were you part of a club, sport or training group when you were younger (under-16)?
Throughout elementary school and high school, I mainly focused on ice hockey. That was my main sport, but I also participated in cross country and track and field for my school. I really enjoyed running, but never focused on it as the majority of my time was spent training for hockey.
How did the pandemic impact your sport involvement?
The pandemic drastically impacted my sport involvement as it was what made me switch from hockey to triathlon. When the pandemic first hit, I was in grade 12 and my last season of hockey was cut short. Without access to any rinks, I found myself resorting back to running as a way to stay active. Throughout that time, I also got my first road bike and started swimming in my pool. With everything being shut down, it gave me more time to shift my focus towards a new sport, triathlon!
How did you get involved with the UBC Triathlon Club – can you share some details about the club?
I first heard about the UBC Triathlon team when I attended a club fair at the start of my first year of university. At that time, my biking and swimming times were not fast enough to make the team, but after two years of consistent training, I decided to try out again and then made the team! Training with the triathlon team has been such an amazing experience. All of my teammates are very supportive of one another and have made the training sessions much more enjoyable!
What is it like balancing school and athletics – what are some ways you stay on top of everything?
Balancing school and athletics can be challenging at times. What has worked best for me has been to schedule my time and make a note for when I am going to relax. Being in university means that there will always be some sort of studying/reading to do, but I know that if I don’t give myself time to recharge, I won’t be able to train at my best or focus during class.
Do you have any big plans or goals for 2025?
For the end of this year and into next year, my plan is to stick to a consistent block of training to build my fitness back up for races next summer. I will also be graduating next May, so that will also involve some significant changes in regard to my training routes and schedule. In the future, I hope to shift my focus towards longer distance triathlons.
What is your favourite pre race, and post race meals?
Before races I like to have something that is quick and easy for my stomach to digest. Typically, that is a banana and I usually sip on some electrolytes. After races I am not too picky, I just enjoy eating with those who came out to support me at that race, which is usually my parents!
What’s on your pre race, or training, playlist?
I usually enjoy listening to throwback songs, specifically from 2010. Hearing songs that are not always played on the radio is always uplifting!
What advice would you have for any athletes targeting qualification for age-group world championships?
Be open to new experiences! I decided to try a duathlon because I saw that there was a qualifying spot for the World Championships that was close to my hometown. Trying this event was really exciting because it was something different from what I normally race, and it opened up a door to such an amazing experience.
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us. All the best in the remainder of the season!