Special General Notice
Vote for Proposed Temporary ByLaw Amendment
September 12 to 16, 2022
A Special General Meeting has been called by the Board Chair to review and vote on temporary amendments to the Society’s bylaws as provided by Triathlon BC’s Board of Directors.
Due to recent Board departures in 2020 and 2021, the proposed temporary bylaw revisions are intended to update and re-align the Board of Director terms back to historical norms.
Current and active members of Triathlon BC will receive voting instructions on or before September 11th. Eligible voters, all current Triathlon BC members in good standing, will have the opportunity to vote electronically on the proposed bylaw amendment starting at 12:01am, Monday, September 12th, 2022. Voting will close at 12:00pm (noon), Friday, September 16th, 2022.
Under Triathlon BC’s current bylaws, and in keeping with the BC Societies Act, the proposed by-law change requires a 2/3 threshold to pass.
Be it resolved that Bylaw amendment #1, recommended by the Board of Directors, be adopted by the Members in time for the 2022 Annual General Meeting.
Due to two recent Board retirements (2019 & 2020), Triathlon BC’s Board of Directors’ election stagger has been disrupted.
The proposed temporary bylaw, stating that one Member at Large (Director) seat in the 2022 Board Election is limited to a one-year term, permits Triathlon BC to re-align its Board stagger and allows for consistent, historical Board election cycles, effective with the 2022 elections.
1.1 Board Transition – This Bylaw #1 will be enacted, and the following parts of the Society’s Bylaws will be suspended for one year:
a) 12.3B – six (6) directors shall be elected for two (2) year terms, and shall hold office until the second annual general meeting after election to office; and
b) 12.7 – each director will serve terms of two (2) years, to a maximum of four (4) consecutive terms.
The suspension of these parts of the Society’s Bylaws will end immediately prior to the 2023 Annual General Meeting, at which time Bylaw #1 will be repealed.
1.2 Current Board Composition – The current Board composition of the Society is three (3) executive officers (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and six (6) directors. As of August 2022, the Board consisted of the following:
a) six (6) positions with a term that expires in 2022:
i. two (2) officers: Stewart Scott (Treasurer) and Keith Iwasaki (Secretary); and ;
ii. four (4) directors: Troyce Beglaw, Michael Brown, Andrea Damiani and Murray McCutcheon; and;
b) three (3) positions with a term that expires in 2023:
i. one (1) officer: Larry Feagan (Chair); and
ii. two (2) directors: Jody Deane and Susie Ernsting.
1.3 Elections and Expirations at Annual Meetings – The following elections and expirations will occur at the next two annual general meetings of the Society:
a) 2022 meeting:
i. terms expire for six (6) positions listed at 1.2(a) above;
ii. two (2) officers (Treasurer and Secretary) elected for a two (2) year term;
iii. three (3) directors elected for a two (2) year terms; and
iv. one (1) director elected for a one (1) year term.
b) 2023 Annual General Meeting, after this Bylaw is repealed:
i. terms expire for four (4) positions listed at 1.2(b) and 1.3(a)(iv) above;
ii. one (1) officer (Chair) elected for a two (2) year term; and
iii. three (3) directors elected for a two (2) year term.
1.4 Automatic repeal of this Bylaw #1 – After the one-year term is served by one Member at Large following the 2022 annual general meeting, the Board transition period will have completed, and this Bylaw #1 is repealed immediately prior to the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
Voting details and access to the voting platform will be provided to Members in the first week of September, 2022.