Triathlon Canada (TC), the national governing body for the sport in Canada, is currently seeking nominations for one position to put forward to Americas Triathlon for their Executive Committee. The term would be for one year (1) with an opportunity for reelection after the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The Nominations Committee has assessed the skills, experience and diversity needs of the position:
1. Essential Criteria:
• Knowledge of International Triathlon Organizations
• Knowledge of Olympic/Paralympic Triathlon
• Previous Board Experience
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Team Player
2. Desired Criteria:
• Ability to travel internationally.
• Spanish language skills (verbal and written)
3. General Criteria
• Leadership
Individuals wishing to be considered for the position are subject to the same eligibility requirements as a TC Director as follows:
1. To be eligible for election as a Director, an individual must:
a. Be eighteen (18) years of age or older;
b. Be a resident of Canada;
c. Have not been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country; and
d. Not have the status of bankrupt.
2. The following persons are disqualified from being a Director:
a. A person who has not met the requirements of these eligibility screening policy;
b. A person who is a paid employee, consultant, contractor, or independent contractor of the Corporation, any of its Members, or any organization providing services to or on behalf of the
c. A person who holds a position as a director or officer of a Member;
d. A person who acts as a race director, technical official or coach, paid or volunteer, on behalf of the Corporation, any of its Members, or any organization providing services to the
e. A person who is a parent (defined as a birth father or mother, stepfather or mother, legal parent, or guardian) of an International Competition Cardholder athlete; and
f. A person in a conflict of interest as determined by the Corporation’s Core Policies relating to Code of Conduct and Ethics and Conflict of Interest.
3. Any individual who is deemed ineligible from being a Director for the following reasons will remain ineligible for eighteen (18) months after the reason for disqualification has ceased:
a. A person who is a paid employee, consultant, contractor, or independent contractor of the Corporation, any of its Members, or any organization providing services to or on behalf of the
b. A person who acts as a technical official or coach, paid or volunteer, on behalf of the Corporation, any of its Members, or any organization providing services to the Corporation; or
4. The Nominated Candidate must also adhere to Triathlon Canada’s screening procedures, which may include obtaining a criminal record check, signing code of conduct and the Office of the
Sport Integrity Commissioner consent form.
To learn more about the opportunity, click on the button below.